
Sunday, 22 January 2012

Post Brownies

Well, those following me on twitter, or reading my blog carefully, may have noticed a slight downward slope in my general demeanour / activity this last week. And, yes, I've needed time to get my head back in the right place, and my clothing suggestions have helped with that this week (bright blue Thursday)

After writing this post on my work with my Brownies, I thought every Monday, I would be able to post about the great things my girls did / had said that meeting. Last Monday though, I was removed from my post as Brown Owl. I'm still struggling with their reasons for this, but that is not why I'm posting about this tonight. I have just drafted my handover report to the new Brownie leader of my girls, and thinking about how I never got to say goodbye.

And that is what most of us struggle with isn't it, the 'not saying goodbye' thing. I will be writing them a lovely card, but I have no doubt that this will not answer their questions as to why I'm not theirs any more. Just as they aren't my girls anymore.

Much love my lovelies,

K x


  1. I'm so sorry to read this - the girls will miss so much by not having you as their leader anymore. Sending you an enormous hug xxx

    1. Thanks pet, I'm getting better. The colours last week helped, and will help again this week.

      K xx

  2. I'm so sorry to hear this hope everything gets sorted x x

    1. I'll get set up with my own pack soon - just not with my girlies xx

  3. Aww hun, so so sorry to hear this, I hope you sort it out. xx

  4. I know I've already commented but I felt I must add how impressed I am with the poise in which you have written this post. You have every right to write something angry and bitter, yet you have posted with dignity and calmness instead. It's 100% their loss (the organisation, not the girls) that they have let someone as fab as you go xxx

    1. Thanks C, you can't understand how much this comment meant. It was what I was aiming for as I could have ranted. And if I'd posted about this earlier, rather than stepping back, I would have done.

      That's why I waited til last night to write this, but I do have a Brownie parent 'friends' with me on Facebook, so needed to be careful on what I put out on there.

      I've drawn a line, will be opening a new pack (rather than taking one over) after Easter. Something to look forward to

