I've always struggled when it comes to Hallowe'en, put off by most things, from the sexy doctors (because being a doctor isn't sexy enough) to the down right offensive outfits (anyone remember the outcry (rightly so) about the Mental Patient outfit being sold at ASDA?)
But this year, I thought I would get into the spirit of the day (geddit?) - whether down to my time in the US this autumn, where it is all about Hallowe'en, or due to the fact it's an awesome pal's Hen Weekend this weekend, I don't know, but I was ready to get my horror on!
After some changes to themes, we settled on the scarier the better - and so I hunted out a good basis for a costume, and hoped for the best:
Sadly, I received an email yesterday to say this was out of stock. Leaving me with the panic of WHAT DO I WEAR!
I've found the same outfit on a different site, which may get to me in time (so ordered that one), and I've ordered a back up dress in black.
I'm toying with the idea of going as a zombie Velma from Scooby Do (already got the pieces from last year):
Add blood, and we're ready to go!
And this is when Hallowe'en becomes a challenge - this is a Yours Clothing top, a New Look skirt, and my own hair and glasses - not a costume, but clothes from their standard lines.
Yes, there are jumpers with Hallowe'en slogans on, but that isn't what you what to go DRESSED UP AS, it's what you wear before the night out!
By popping onto Amazon and typing in Plus Size Hallowe'en, it brought up the following:
Nothing really very 'Horror-ific' about these, except that number 2 is meant to be a sexy nun, and number 3 is a witch.
Here's hoping that I can pull something together for Friday, and that soon the Fancy Dress industry will realise the untapped market for good costumes that don't take months to plan / create and that go beyond a size 22!
Much love my lovelies,
K x