When I started this little blog of mine, I struggled with finding clothes that 'flattered' me. My focus was on well fitting, flattering clothes. I then shifted over to more fashion forward looks, and the fit idea was something I was willing to be sacrificed in order for 'fast fashion'. I am young (ish), it was my peroragitve!!
I have now moved further along my journey, and I wear what I want, how I want. My opinion is if it offends anyone, that is their problem, not mine.
When I was emailed a few months back, offering a shape analysing service, I was bored and thought: "Why not!"
I popped over to Marisota's shape website, and found it was more than a shape analyser, it was an insight into body perception.
I was only one shape off with my body perception v body reality. This wasn't too ground breaking for me, but my interest was piqued.
Shape wise, I am a clear hourglass.
Or so I thought.
See, hour glass.
But, after outting in my vital statistics, I faced with a surprising fact.
I am pear. I was shocked. I was stunned.
I had hidden behind the idea that I was an hourglass since I had started my blog. Before even.
It has taken til now for me to put my thoughts about this change on the screen.
Has it changed how I dress? No, not really - I wear more trousers maybe, but other than that, it hasn't had much impact. I still rock a belt. I still have my boobs out. But I actually agree. I am a pear.
A busty pear, with some hour glass delusions, but definitely pear.
But this is where shape 'ology' becomes a little muddy. For some people, starting their fat acceptance journey, a nice detour into a flattering world, but a world of DO wear this and DON'T wear that, and hide this, highlight that. Some people come out of the other side of this detour, and carry on with the notion of wearing what they want. But some don't, some stay entrenched in it.
I don't want to hide any part of my fat body, not my tummy, or my arse or my chest. It is all me. It tells a story. And so does yours.
Wear what you want to, how you want to. No one has a right to judge you for that, other than yourself.
Much love my gorgeous lovelies,
K x