
Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Shapes and conformity

When I started this little blog of mine, I struggled with finding clothes that 'flattered' me. My focus was on well fitting, flattering clothes. I then shifted over to more fashion forward looks, and the fit idea was something I was willing to be sacrificed in order for 'fast fashion'. I am young (ish), it was my peroragitve!!

I have now moved further along my journey, and I wear what I want, how I want. My opinion is if it offends anyone, that is their problem, not mine. 

When I was emailed a few months back, offering a shape analysing service, I was bored and thought: "Why not!" 

I popped over to Marisota's shape website, and found it was more than a shape analyser, it was an insight into body perception. 

I was only one shape off with my body perception v body reality. This wasn't too ground breaking for me, but my interest was piqued. 

Shape wise, I am a clear hourglass. 

Or so I thought. 

See, hour glass. 

But, after outting in my vital statistics, I faced with a surprising fact. 

I am pear. I was shocked. I was stunned.

I had hidden behind the idea that I was an hourglass since I had started my blog. Before even. 

It has taken til now for me to put my thoughts about this change on the screen. 

Has it changed how I dress? No, not really - I wear more trousers maybe, but other than that, it hasn't had much impact. I still rock a belt. I still have my boobs out. But I actually agree. I am a pear. 

A busty pear, with some hour glass delusions, but definitely pear. 

But this is where shape 'ology' becomes a little muddy. For some people, starting their fat acceptance journey, a nice detour into a flattering world, but a world of DO wear this and DON'T wear that, and hide this, highlight that. Some people come out of the other side of this detour, and carry on with the notion of wearing what they want. But some don't, some stay entrenched in it. 

I don't want to hide any part of my fat body, not my tummy, or my arse or my chest. It is all me. It tells a story. And so does yours. 

Wear what you want to, how you want to. No one has a right to judge you for that, other than yourself.

Much love my gorgeous lovelies, 

K x

Monday, 21 October 2013

The 60s Shift Dress

This dress. 

I saw it on the Simply Be website and knew I would need to try this beauty, to see if the bib detail (which looked like the button detail stretched to the waist) would work on my bust. 

I'll be honest, I was also suspicious that the material would be more on the polyester end of the scale, and wanted to check that out too!

It arrived when I was in Turkey (which was sad as I wanted it to be one of my options for the Turkish weather) and I actually only got round to trying it on on Sunday.

Once it was one though, it was was ON! I wore it briefly to go shopping with Mam, and then to work today. 

(Yes, I know, still at my Mam's, with no full length mirror, I am sorry)

This is the type of dress 22 year old Kathryn would have LOVED. She would have worn it dancing, and fitted perfectly into the 60s aesthetic. 

And I felt amazing trotting about the office in it today. Bare arms be DAMNED!

And okay, so the cut of the dress is not really a shift dress, but the print, and the style is enough for this Mod!

The bib detail is a great little addition, and I can't tell you the last time I wore a collar buttoned up to the neck! 

I paired this with my trusty tights from Tesco, and my lovely new loafers from the Wide Fit section of New Look.

This Simply Be dress is now £28, and these shoes are now £12 - go grab yourself a bargain!

Much love my lovelies, 

K x

Thursday, 3 October 2013

The Printed Trouser

I know I am late to this party, but I have found the ones for me!!

I've been looking for a good printed trouser for well over a year now. Probably since I saw the likes of Bethany at Arched Eyebrow rock them last winter! My slow rise in confidence has now meant I was ready to try a pair for myself. 

I headed over to Simply Be, safe in the knowledge I could find some trousers there. And there I did (now reduced to £20):

Okay, so what is so great about them?

I orsdered them in a 22, hoping they would be enough to contain my bum!

Which in itself is not an achievement, but note the good fit on my thighs as well...? Yeah, that is the very reason I fell for these trousers - HARD!

I wore these for two days in the office, and they held up (literally at my waist the whole day) and they didn't develop a sag or any other little niggles. 

I paired them with my loafers from ASDA:

And my 'Bespoke' top from Simply Be:

And with my skater dress from New Look Inspire:

So yes, I went safe, pairing these with a plain black top, but at the moment I have a limited wardrobe so I'm working with what I have access too!

I'd love to try it with something white, or with a slight pattern on of it's own. 

These trousers, called "curtains" by someone in the office, are a new favourite, and if I'd known the weather in Izmir would have been this cool, I would have made the effort to pack them! Still, two weeks apart from them makes my heart grow stronger :)

So, if like me, you wanted to try your bootie in print, then you can't go far wrong with these beauties!

Much love my lovelies, 

K x