
Wednesday, 14 January 2015

100 Days Style Challenge Update One

As my 100 Day Spending Ban is going pretty well right now (helped by the fact I have NO MONEY), I wanted to bring an update on how I was feeling about my 100 Days, 100 Outfits challenge. 

In all honesty, I am really enjoying it! I'm liking that I'm having to think through outfit choices and whether I can wear a certain outfit today, if I might need it for later in the challenge. 

As I mentioned here, my first day was my favourite dress, and I'm not really regretting that decision, as I've loved every combination I've worn since - and it has taken it out of the running for the rest of the challenge!!

 Next up was my 'lady bird' outfit, as penned by the office as a whole (or so it seemed!)

Day 2:

Top was ASDA George, past season, and skirt is my trusty Collectif Liesel circle skirt.

Day 3

Already challenging myself, by opting for jeans, along with Bespoke tunic in leopard print!! Not just any jeans either, but FLARED JEANS!

Well, sort of!!

Day 4

Same jeans, but with a owl print tunic number

Day 5

Wears Wally! 

Or so I was called in the office, and yes, I've misspelled it on purpose!

Domino Dollhouse cardigan (past season), and basic black skater dress as a base. 

Day 6

Saturday called for weekend casual, as I was off to help my Grandma. Bespoke tunic and those flared jeans again!

Day 7

Daisy print dress (similar here) and leggings for a relaxed Sunday of naps and singing and tidying.

Day 8

Back to work, and so Welsh School Teacher was my look, and someone in the office even asked if that was my aim! I do love my team for noticing things like that!

Domino Dollhouse shirt (past season), Collectif Skirt and Blackheart Creatives commissioned Welsh Dragon necklace. I am a little said that I can't wear this combination again until the end of April, but can't wait to see what other pieces I put together!

Day 9

 Another outing for my Collectif skirt, along with my Simply Be lace effect top, and Look Magazine duster jacket

I've loved the idea of the duster jacket since it appeared on my radar about a year ago, and I finally picked this one up late on last year. This is a soft, thin material that I really see taking me into the summer months - it is not a function item! 

The print is a different take on the galaxy print, and my only wish is that it had pockets!!

Day 10

This was a very rushed outfit - I was running rather late and just lacked inspiration! So out popped my Excite Clothing dress from Plus North 2 in 2013. I call it my winter rose dress!

So, how do you think I'm doing? I'm feeling rather positive about the whole affair to be honest!!

Much love my lovelies, 

K x

Monday, 5 January 2015

100 Days of Outfits and a Shopping Ban

I've not come up with a fancy name for this challenge, but not only am I partaking in a 100 day spending ban, starting today (more information on the ban can be found here), I'm looking at not wearing the same outfit for 100 days. 

Although, to be honest, I do think that with wardrobes like these, it's not that much of a challenge!!

Tops, skirts and cardigans



No repeats of dresses or tops, but skirts are okay to be repeated. Also this dress, as it's a basic basis to so many options!

Day One

I reckoned it called for something a little bit special, so my Modcloth dress of POCKETED dreams:

Along with these cute ballet pumps from George ASDA, bought pre-ban (promise!)

Let me know if you're joining in, but don't blog, in the comments. Also follow our progress on Instagram:

And on the hashtag #100daysstylechallenge 

Much love my lovelies,