
Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Outfit of the Day, Tomorrow.

I know I've been on a bit of a black out of late, with just the odd Tweet, and even less blogging.

I don't think I'm quite ready to address what caused this, mainly due to waiting for the information to be public knowledge.

But, when my latest SimplyBe purchase arrived, I couldn't wait!!

I would say that I ordered this thinking that I could wear it with trousers / jeans, given the photo, but when it arrived, it was clear that my curvy kates would make it hang higher than on this lovely girl. Instead, I've styled it with my Domino Dollhouse skirt, and think that it looks pretty darn good!

The colour is divine, and the buttons don't gape - always a bonus!

Well done SimplyBe, you've done it again!!

Much love my lovelies,

K x


  1. OMG I love this shirt, i must get it myself!! You look hot. xxx

  2. Thanks! I can't wait to wear this to work tomorrow. It was just the cheering up I needed!!

    It's £14.50 in the sale, and like I said, it fits the girls in nicely!!


  3. oooohhhh that is so vibrant and smart i friggin LOVE THIS !!

  4. Perfect to lift the winter blues! x

  5. Got a picture of the DD skirt?

    Wow, a shirt that doesn't gape is a keeper!

  6. Hi Nichola,

    The DD skirt is mentioned and I think these are the best photos I have. I'm 5'9, and the skirt sits in the middle of my shin, so it is rather long.

    I know, I'm wearing this today, and just love the lack of gaping, and the fact I don't have to wear a cami underneath!

    K xx

  7. Oooh look at you, Miss Thing! Fan-flipping-tasic xx
