
Saturday, 21 January 2012

Blood Orange

Okay, when the fashion world annouced that this seasons colour was tangerine, I cringed. I dye my hair red, and my colouring suits it. I would not say I was a orange person. I don't like the fruit. I didn't think I need this colour in my life.


The esteemable Mrs BeBe introduced to me this ebay purchase - a Tu dress, meant to be £40 but was being sold for £14.99:

I'm getting used to the new hair - post to come - so pardon the strange posing. But I love this vibrant colour!!

The skater dress has been around for a little while, but this is the first on I'd managed to get that I liked the fit and cut of. The material is heavy, but moves beautifully!

I'd say this though, I'm tall. Yes, this again, but I might not be able to wear less than 60 denier tights with this derss.

If I was a part of Five Take Five, I'd have this as my 1960s outfit. I was wearing my purple tights when I tried this on, and actually it looked okay!!

Now, I really need to start selling some dresses to make room!!

Much love my lovelies,

K x


  1. the colour is very flattering on you xx

  2. Love that dress! The color is perfection on you and your hair is uber sexy and fresh! Kiah

  3. Thanks ladies!!

    I would've have thought it would have suited my colouring, but I'm really impressed!

    Another chance for me to cheer myself up at work with a bright colour and a smile!


  4. Lovely cut and colour, you look great . I'm a huge fan of this style. XX

  5. I've wanted a skater dress for a while, and I have one on order from Simply Be, in red - so I'll be able to get this in as many colours as possible!

    I will need to have an eBay clearout though to pay for it all!

    K x

  6. this looks so lovely on you. xXx
