
Saturday, 24 March 2012

Letting my hair down!

I realised last week, that I had not been out since Christmas Eve. But we had plans to rectify this last night!! I don't usually do 'Friday'drinking, needing to recover from the working week first, but I managed to keep myself going!!

Thursday was new hair cut day, Friday, drinkies and dancing, and Saturday, well, just recovering!


I wore my Collectif dress, my Evans belt and flesh tone tights and grey Viva la Diva shoes. I laughed. I caught up with old friends. I drank. But mainly I danced. Danced like a dancy thing!

Our group of friends are all off doing our separate things, but when we're together, we just click. And welcome anyone new with open dancing arms!!

We started off in the relative quiet of a friends lovely flat, drinking self measures but mainly chatting. Once we moved on to Mimo, a cocktail bar in Newcastle, where there was 2 for 1 on Mojitos! The drink I'm drinking above is meant to have a half bottle of vodka in there - enough to say we shared it!!

Dancing then commenced at a club night called JukeBox - 3 hours of dancing. Good times were had.

My Friday night was very successful, and my Saturday was very lazy, just as I had planned it to be! I have a lot planned for tomorrow, but today has been JOYOUS. Napping, eating cold pizza and watching rubbish telly. Not a glamourous post, but a true one!


  1. sounds liek great fun! Horay for nights out with friends and cold pizza for hangovers! xXx

    1. I completely agree!! It's been too long I tell you xx

  2. The dress is beautiful!

    1. Thanks my lovely! It's a lighter colour than I'd usually go for, but I love it! I feel so girly and feminine in it! xx

  3. Loving the new hair, and you look gorgeous in that dress....seems like your evening out was very successful!
