
Friday 17 February 2012

A Error of Judgement!

Yesterday I was really happy with the outfit of choice - it pecked up my spirits, and made me finally get over my cold / self pity kick.

My outfit on 'Woeful Wednesday' - the day the cold hit - in my 'Corporate' work tee shirt, Domino Dollhouse Retro Dame skirt, and a pink cardi to brighten it all up a little bit!

When you then compare it with my 'The Day I Got My Mojo Back' outfit, which got a lot of positive reactions on twitter! However, I had forgotten my Thursday rule - it has to be church appropriate as well. And er, well...

The first thing said to me as I was taking off my coat at choir was: No wonder you get so many colds <my face said it all - ???> Your exposed chest.

Oops! So without a scarf, I was stuck with my exposed chest singing Psalms, Ave Maria, Ave Verum etc. Just don't ask me what the Latin actually means!

I think I'll have learnt my lesson now!

At least my clothes mojo seems to have returned as well, although as I'm doing a Sponsored Silence for Macmillan Nurses today, I thought I'd opt for a plain green top (with stickers on to alert the uninformed of my plight!).

Part of my silence is a twitter silence: 9:00 - 17:15 as well as a physical silence!

Much love my lovelies,

K x


  1. Arghhh, hunnie, that dress is church appropriate, there isn't gaping boobs going on, it just isn't prude appropriate apparently, don't let other peoples judgement make you question yourself, you look beautiful and classy in this outfit, not at all inappropriate! next time go in your delores ;) xx

    1. Awww, she was just jesting, but in the kind of way of 'just because I don't think it is, doesn't mean others won't'. And although my best mate has a long running joke of 'getting my boobs out for Jesus' this was a little distracting!! I was mesmerised by them!

      K x

  2. Oh my goodness, I would say that dress is completely church appropriate! Perhaps I am even less prudish than I thought haha! Well church or no church, it looks gorgeous! =D

    1. It is a gorgeous dress - and if the choir don't appreciate it, I won't waste it on them! haha xx

  3. Love the dress I think you look great, I would have thought it was fine for church! Good luck with your silence xxx

    1. Thanks Danielle, I successfully completed both silences, and raised £67.50 so far!

      The dress is fine for church, but the V is much deeper than it looks, and the bow on the gore of my bra was visible for most of the day!!

      K x

  4. I wore jeans to the christmas Eve family service - is that bad?? :0/
