
Monday, 2 April 2012


I am very nearly shirtless.

By this, I mean that I have very few well fitting shirts in my wardrobe. It is not through want of trying!

But then they do this. They fit at the waist. The fit in the hips. But they gape in the chest!! And if I get them to fit in the chest, they just hang. Hang shapelessly, and have the effect of making me seem bigger than I already am.

There are companies out there trying to resolve this issue of mine. The likes of Pepperberry, who classify clothes as Curvy, Really Curvy, Super Curvy, and in some cases, Super Duper Curvy, only they work in 'straight' sizes (anyone spot the irony there?) going between an 8 - 18. Now, I reckon a 20 SC would do me nicely. Shame it just doesn't exist!

We then also have - who work on the same premise of Pepperberry, but with a few more parameters, so instead of chosing your 'straight' size, then working out your curvy size, it works by inputting your waist and hips measurements, and deciding on whether you are Busty, Busty Busty, or Busty Busty Busty (I don't know what the B's stand for, but I like to that they stand for that!). However, I think I am sized out of this range as well, even with the stretchy fabric, which is a shame. Maybe when I'm feeling lucky I'll order something in the 48BBB to see how it fits... There is nothing in stock in that size at the moment though.

And so it brings me to today, and my Next Order that I had chanced, just to see how it works, and whether it works any better than my previous attempts: my shirtlessness was getting cold!

Well, we can see that these are a running theme with these shirts - a lovely neckline, a great fit on my waist and hips and arms, just not on the 36HH bust of mine.

I've often said that I've found it easier to find clothes in a size 22, then I did at a size 16, because the ratio difference my bust and my waist was much greater. But it now seems like this is the opposite problem: now I'm plus size I can't find a shirt that fits.

This is where I thought Glamourosa fits into the mix. But sadly, I wasn't successful with this either:

Oh well, my search for a good fitting shirt continues!

Much love my lovelies,

K x

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  1. This shirt thing drives me insane. My boobs are not even that big 38d , I have wide shoulders or "swimmers shoulders" as my grandma likes to call them but yeah I struggle with shirts. casual sort of shirts i seem to be okay with but thats becasue I them like them baggy but it i am to look anything other than sack like it's impossible!!! I once...once.. tried to get a smart fitted shirt and the whole process left me drained. Also smart shirts seem to be soooo effing short. Maybe its me - i have a long body and short legs but once i'd pused my boobs in to the shirt it bearly reached my belly button. hummpphhh.
    wow that was a huge rant.
    Good luck in your quest xxxx

  2. I don't wear shirts for the exact same reason :( all we can do it keep trying I guess! :D xox

  3. You may want to look into Carissa Rose!

    1. Thanks Darlene, but as a UK 22, I don't think I'll fit into their range either... My waist is a I'm a 50, 40, 52.

      Thanks for the suggestion though x

  4. I'm not sure how easy it would be for you to do alterations but at least with the Next shirts that you have pictured couldn't you sew the buttons together and try adding a zipper on the side? It's a shame about the gapping because it looks pretty flattering on you in the far away shot.
