
Thursday, 26 April 2012

Bonding of bloggers...

In this post I took the very serious approach to the new Jacamo store in the MetroCentre - the corporate approach if you will! Now normal service will be resumed!

Now, I had left the house wearing this:

which I've accessoried with my trusty black nurses belt, and I added my Team Brassique prize of my Jewellery by Jax necklace. 

 But, once I got to the Metro Centre, I had to look in Marks and Spencer's to see if the dress my friend had bought was in a 22, and whether that would be as generous as possible and therefore fit me (I don't have a good record with M&S size 22s!) 

The print is navy blue with red polka dots, and it is a little on the large size for my waist, but I think it would be too small in the 20. I also think that this will perfectly fit my business dress requirements for when I return to work. 

The launch was a hoot and a half!! In fact, instead of mingling about the store for an hour, getting bored and leaving, Katie and I stayed until about 7:30 - a full 2 and a bit hours of mingling, sipping and, er flirting (me, not Katie!)

Other than trying on men's shirts, and buying hoodies, I spent a lot of time talking to both Jacamo and Simply Be staff. It was lovely to see some of the faces from Stockton settling into their new store, with some new faces. Some of the girls recognised me from the ol' blog, which was very sweet and made me feel very welcome indeed! 

The lads were equally sweet, although I think they were possibly just confused as to why I was there - a girl, in a blokes shop?!

I also had the chance to talk to some of the men from 'Head Office', including someone from Logistics - who explained a little about getting the stock to where it needed to be. He also mentioned that if anyone had any issues with their courier, to let them know - if you have issues, it is most likely other people will have similar issues. 

I also chatted with Tom, who is 'in IT', but as I was gushing about the Magic Mirror and it's amazing qualities - although also expressing how dubious I am at whether the men will take full advantage of their mirror - I think I got away with it!

Towards the end of the evening, as people were drifting away, Katie and I headed downstairs to play with the mirror. Now, we did not have the changing area to ourselves, there were customers being fitted for a bra, but we had a HOOT!

Nice picture here, and then we were joined by Tom, who helped us with the mirror (I say helped, I really mean, well, played with). 

Katie preferred printing the photos off, rather than tweet, email or facebook, so I have another photo of us:

See what I mean about this being the 'fun' post?!

Katie and I had a blast, chatting to the Simply Be staff about bra fitting (very knowledgeable), about the guest at the launch on May 2 (Gemma Collins), and about Vajazzling. 

If this was how much fun we had at the Jacamo launch, I really can't wait for the Simply Be launch!

Much love my lovelies, 

K x


  1. my sides still hurt from laughing at all the unmentionables.

    Skater Dress ;-)

  2. Wow it sounds like you had an amazing time. the closest siply be to me is in bury and ive been meaning to go for such a long time.Mainly to raid the bra department x

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That last comment was me by the way on my other account, sorry! I love the Simply Be Stores, they're always laid out so well inside. You look lovely in your dresses and like you had a lovely time! xx
