
Thursday, 15 December 2011

The "I'll keep it in case I lose weight dress"...

I don't think I'll alone in this idea that your once favourite dress which no longer fits, has been 'kept' just in case. A few months back I found a size 16 skirt in my wardrobe - who was I trying to kid!!

Most of the items are / were expensive at the time of purchase, and perhaps didn't even fit at that point, but so desperate was I to have said item that I convinced myself it would eventually fit...

Well, I'm now realising that clinging to that idea is just overall negative to who I am NOW, never mind who I am going to be. So, I'm having a clear out. A sort out. A make space for all the lovely dresses I WILL be able to wear!

When asked by @plussized22 to get involved in their 'swap', I was apprehenisve - what if they don't have the sizes for me - a first response I always have when being offered something. Then I realised what a daft idea that was. If they don't, then tough. So I went about sorting through tops, skirts and dresses (I don't really do trousers) for the 'swap'.

The picture doesn't do them justice, but the two shirts were Evans, size 20, the grey long sleeved top is Marks and Spencers, size 20, and the skirts were given to me by my Mam and are a size 20 as well.

Here my dress obsession really shows no bounds! Dresses of all shapes and sizes! The green and blue dress in the corner is a Simply Be size 20, but is rather short for my 5'9 / 5'10 - worn it a couple of times and not really felt comfortable in it. The red dress is a lovely dress from Sainsbury's TU, size 22. The purple patterned dress on the left is a La Redoubt dress 18/20, never worn. The middle purple dress is labelled as a 22, but I would say a 18, and was an eBay purchase from China. The final dress, my 'nautical' dress, is a 22 from ASDA, and I <3 this lots, it just doesn't work on me at all.

Now, why am I keeping these reminders in my wardrobe? Clothes that I've either never worn, or haven't worn for years are not good for the self esteem! I should be able to look in my wardrobe and wear any item in there. Not think, no, I'm keeping that for when...

So, it's nearly the New Year, so time for a New Approach to clothes and esteem and the like.

I'll keep you updated on the swap, other wise I'll be having an eBay or charity shop moment with this lot!

Much love my lovelies,

K x

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