
Saturday, 19 May 2012

Plus North

I am rather excited about this wonderful event! 

In February I went to London to meet some fantastic women, and to take part in a catwalk show. 

There were issues with it. Lots of them. But I'm going to share with you some of the photos of me in that show:

Now, I didn't show them in February as, honestly, I wasn't happy with them. I noticed this, or that, but now, after 4 months, I don't see that, I see the glint in my eye and the FUN I was having! Because it was fun. To be at an event ran by girls, for girls, with brands that know girls. 

And when I heard about another event, PlusNorth, being ran by two women, one of whom was at PlusLondon2, and so learn by some of the errors, but more importantly, build on what as so great about PlusLondon2. 

It is sponsored by a number of wonderful and amazing brands, the tickets are only £5, and there is promised to be canapes, wine and goody bags. 

For more information:

Will I be seeing you there?

Much love my lovelies, 

K x


  1. i got my ticket last week so i'll see you there xx

    1. YAY!!! Glad to see so many people are going to be there xx

  2. I'm going and I'm so excited to meet everyone! xx
