
Saturday 20 October 2012

Just a quickie...

I am still here! I'm groggy, in pain but home.

Thank you so much for your kind words, they really have meant the world to me over the past couple of days.

I wasn't planning on posting for a little while, as I wanted to let myself recover in body, but in an odd turn of events, I've not no voice! I've gone from sounding like Lady Sybil in Downton, to actually no sound coming out! If this continues, blogging, twitter and facebook may end up being my only methods of communicating!!

If you want to keep up to date with me and my recuperation, best get a-following me on twitter @kathroooon - be prepared for odd comments, book related tweets and garbled attempts to say 'ow, I hurt'!

Much love my lovelies, 

Missing you, 

K x