
Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Reinforcements Needed for the War on Shaming

A couple of weeks ago there was a thing. I'm not going to get into it, because I feel it's been covered really well here and their apology here

But when a plus size company, with stores all over the British high street, went for controversy, over common sense, the internet RAGED. 

At first, it was the fats who raised the alarm - we follow this brand (for obvious reasons) and immediately condemned them for this stunt, promoting body positivity AT ALL SIZES. 

Then other sectors of the Twitter-verse took on the banner of offense, which made me think. If somewhere like Zara had a #fatbirdwatching at a Plus Size event - would that many people be up in arms? I could be underestimating the general public, but more and more I feel that while the fats are willing to shout out about thin shaming, fat shaming is often left unchallenged. 

Apologies if you're reading this and thinking I'm over reaching here, but bare with me. 

I've started watching a 'comedy' on E4 recently, to fill my Melissa and Joey void. It's called Baby Daddy - and I had expected it to be a Three Men and a Baby sort of programme. And I LOVE that film. 

I was happily watching it, until the trope of the 'Girl Next Door' was introduced.

Here was the beautiful Chelsea Kane as Riley, the Law Student who is in love with the 'Baby Daddy' in question. 

But, when growing up, was fat. It's like Monica from Friends all over again. 

The jokes made at Riley's expense (and that Riley makes herself) are fat shaming, pure and simple. She is regularly called fatpants and Rigantor, her high school nickname.

I've since stopped watching, but a quick Google brought me this .gif, where the inevitable flash back episode obviously happened. This is meant to be Riley:

So where is the outrage over this?

Why, when Netflix are showing the whole catalogue of Friends episodes, are we not venting our anger over the 'Monica was fat' jokes?

Because it's acceptable to shame fats still, it's not seen as anything other than a joke, just as that campaign, was seen as a joke. 

I am not in any way supporting what that brand did. I'm still very much team Body Positive. But I'm a little batter weary, and would like some reinforcements from the general public when it comes to fat shaming - just as the fats support them when it comes to thin shaming. 

Much love my lovelies, 

K x


  1. Unfortunately I think that being fatshamed is something we will have to "get used" to as I don't think it will change anytime soon. It's a shame as it should go without saying that no one should feel singled out and bullied, but it is like everything outside the "norm"(which is an expression I hate) is being taking the piss of. :(

    1. We shouldn't 'get used to it' though - because if we do, the next generation have to go through the stigma, the body hate, and the battle that we have and it's not fair on them! x

  2. Well said. The TS issue was very surprising.

    It's true, as fat people we're supposed to stand up for everyone, yet that support rarely surfaces for us from slim people. Fat jokes in films and tv still? Such an old trope. Perhaps if every time we see this hackneyed ol' bollocks on tv or in films tweeting the film/tv company with our disappointment is the way to go? But then already I can see the cries of 'Fat people have no sense of humour!" *headdeskheaddesk*

    1. It's a no-win situation sometimes... Just makes me scream Leah, and it does take a lot to do that!! x

  3. "Sorry you were offended" is not an apology and TS won't be getting anything from me.

    1. I say that all the time, and no one seems to feel as strongly about how much of a cop out saying that is!!

      I've added TS onto my list of NO GO companies, for sure x
