
Saturday, 1 December 2012


My favourite season is Winter. From the cosy nights in, the comfort food, and the layering, I do get excited by the dropping temperatures, the drawing nights, and the donning of scarves and gloves. 

It's only been recent years though, that my Christmas traditions have grown in number. As a child, unfortunately, it was about the tree and the presents and not much else. Growing older, I slowly added more to my tradition list. A rare night with the house to myself? Get 'It's a Wonderful Life' on, get the wrapping paper out, and get all the presents done. By doing this early, I can make sure I've not missed anyone out, or if I've bought too much for someone. Unfortunately, one year I did this so early, that I was left having to dust my presents before handing them out because they'd been on the present piano for so long!

My traditions now include: Advent candles, being a narrator in the Sunday School Nativity, making Christingle Oranges, taking the Brownies to see Fenwicks Window, and going to the 7pm Service on Christmas Eve, then out for some drinkies with friends.

All in all, my Christmas traditions don't necessarily revolve around money, or presents, or consumerism, instead, it's about family, friends and children. Odd how I like it more now as an adult, then I remember liking it as a child. 

What is all this rambling about? Mainly another tradition I've managed to get involved in, the #YAYAdvent project. It was meant to be for Leeds residents to enjoy and partake in, but I was so jealous that a postal component was added. I've bought / sourced & wrapped 24 presents for the 24 days of advent for Beth:

And also included a separate parcel for Day 1 (today) - a festive Jigsaw puzzle! Perfect past time for the winter months!

I also had to show Beth which to open and when:

And there you go - I used a sharpie and SWEAR I got a little 'happy' on the fumes!

I collected my presents from Beth from the Post Office this morning:

I've now got them in day order, ready and waiting for me to open every morning! Rather excited by this simple but effective tradition!

My present for today was a pair of Reindeer socks! Perfect to wear to Brownies on Tuesday and show off!

I'm also rather happy to have lit the candle for Day 1 this year:

All in all, I'm thinking "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" today...

Much love my lovelies, 

K x


  1. Your Christmas traditions sound ace, I think I might have to join the traditions bug and do a post at some point :)

    Yay! I'm glad you like the socks! I couldn't resist buying them.

  2. You are much more organized then me I've only bought part of my boyfriend's and my uni friends pressies so far :S
    Advert candles that's such a cool idea!
    One tradition we still carry on even now is that when my mom bakes the Christmas cake we all have a stir of the mixture and make a Christmas wish :3 I don't care how old am it's tradition! Aha xx
