
Sunday, 26 August 2012

We are the MODs!

As you might be able to tell from my love of all things Vintage, as a teenager, and into my early twenties, I wished I could be a mod. A proper, modern gal, with vinyl, short hair and fierce dancing skills. I read things like Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, Kes, and Clockwork Orange. I listened to Nuggets, mix CDs with obscure cover versions and B sides. We regularly went to 60s club nights, and every month you would see me at a club night called Brighton Beach. 

Why am I telling you all this?

Because, even with all my dedication to the 'cause', I couldn't get the look right. And in Mod terms, the look was the whole sch-bang! Mod fashion and boobs didn't mix.Mod fashion and curves didn't mix either for that matter! It was all shift dresses and mini skirts. 

My outfit yesterday is the kind of outfit I **wish** I'd have worn 8 years ago. But better late than never:

Top: Wardrobe for Simply Be Contrast Jersey Top
Skirt: Domino Dollhouse Full Skirt in Back & White Stripe
Belt: Gifted from Caroline

And look - NEW HAIR! Since I was 20, and my short hair grew out, I swore I would not go down this route again. But to even my hair out, and to combat the humidity we've been having lately, I took the step! 

And this is the finished effect! 

I had an amazing night in Durham with my very good friend JM, with a lush tea in Chiquito (this is their Apple & Elderflower virgin cocktail), and wandered up to the Cathedral to see a band very close to my heart, the Futureheads play:

This was taken before the rains came, and the two photos below were my views in the Cathedral: 

Such a power venue, and two great 'support' acts in Natasha Haws and The Lake Poets.

Truly a night to remember on that score.

Much love my lovelies,

K x


  1. Love the outfit especially the skirt! And your new hair is fab too xx

    1. The skirt is rather hard to style though! xx

  2. Wow - it seems like you are really coming into your own style-wise. The hair, the clothes, you just look beautiful. <3 xXx

    1. Tracey, thank you so much for this comment. Such a lovely thing to say.

      K x

  3. Love love love your new hair! Also love your look, that outfit is terrific on you. It's amazing that there are bands playing in the cathedral I bet it sounded amazing, that place is very dear to me x

    1. Thank you my deary - the accoustics were amazing, and so loud, even though they only had accoustic guitars and their voices!

      It was truly special xx

  4. I love your outfit and your hair is fab! Hot stuff lady xx

    1. Thanks my deary! I feel like I should have had it all my life!

      Further work needed though I think!

      K xx

  5. Such a gorgeous outfit, you look amazing!! Also the hair is incredible...such good hair. I know what you mean though on the going with a hair cut you vowed to never have...sometimes I think you just have to bite the bullet and go out of your comfort zone, or at least how I find it!

    But loving your style as always, lady x

    1. Honesly Sara, I'm so glad I pushed outside my comfort zone on this one, both hair AND style wise xx
