
Thursday, 10 April 2014

A Good Night's Sleep

Last year, I was lucky enough to be sent a Ultimate Microfibre with Silk topper for my mattress. 

It was sent at a time when I was in between houses (back living at my parents while mine needed further work). So it has taken me a little bit of time (okay, far too long!) to put together the way of showing how the topper added some much needed life into my mattress. 

Firstly: what is a topper. 

I certainly wasn't sure, but once it arrived, I realised it was ideal for what I was looking for.

I had taken my old mattress (about 10 years old) with me when I moved. It never was a great mattress, but a new one was just out of my range. 

Simply put, the topper has extended the life of my mattress!

It hooks over my old, battered mattress, and believe me, doesn't move once it's in place:

Image taken from Soak&Sleep

The topper easily adds an extra 5cm of comfort! 

And it looks no different than a normal mattress!

What is not to love!

And here it is, a made bed. 

I'm publishing this from my drafts after a number of months since it was first written, and after a week away on business, I'm missing that topper so much!

Much love my lovelies,

K x



    I always thought toppers might not be a good idea but this has convinced me!

  2. My new mattress came with a removable tencel cover. They said that tencel is stronger than cotton, provides better ventilation, deters bedbugs, and is anti-bacterial.
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