
Sunday, 24 May 2015

Revolution Bars without the Vodka Twist

Sometimes, certain events conspire to happen at the most perfect of timings. When I was contacted by the lovely team at Revolution in Newcastle, to review their revised food menu, I was excited, but I had a decision to make - whether to use the 'free main dish' as a tentative date suggestion, or for a meet up with the lovely @arteyeficial, who was up in Newcastle from London. 

A mate date with Kirsty was a ding-ding-ding WINNER!

We were due to meet at 7:30pm, and I was, most unlike me, running late. 

A quick suggestion to anyone thinking of reviewing food on their blog - don't have a meal beforehand. I accidently had a lovely chicken lemon risotto out of politeness!! Thankfully, Kirsty fully understood my predicament and in some respects, it meant I ordered my food with my head, not my stomach!

Once we'd been escorted to our booth, and I cooed over this little touch! 

In fact, I was taken by a lot of the little touches, which I can't say I've paid that much attention to in my previous visits to Revolution.

My favourite brand of tea, on the wall in our own booth! A lovely Newcastle touch added to this (easy forget it's a chain) chain!

After a few false starts with the wait staff (due to our inability to decide! I mean, look at the menu!), Kirsty and I eventually ordered, opting for an Asian Spritzer (refreshing, but with a bit of heat. Ginger beer with elderflower, apple and lime).

My 'Smoking Dog', was perfect. A Bockwurst sausage, smoked cheddar, fire pit beans, BBQ fried onions, with smokinnaise on the sweetest bread bun was a creat combination of smoke and heat. 

Due to my 'I've eaten by accident', status, I opted to leave the bread, and instead enjoyed the 'dog' in all it's smokeyness without the cooling (filling) effect of the bread!

Kirsty opted for the Bourbon Bad Boy, a double beef burger, bourbon chipotle sauce, streaky bacon, smoked cheddar, vine tomatoes, onion rings, cajun dusted fries.

Enough to say that her plate was empty (having not indulged in a pre meal meal!)!

We put the world to rights, in the most beautiful room. It's hard to notice the stunning ceiling when you're queuing at the bar, trying to make eye contact with someone behind the bar who will take your money! And that's where Revolution becomes a bar with two identities - the restaurant, and the cocktail bar. 

I'm glad I finally sampled the restaurant, and boy, was it good

Much love my lovelies, 

K x

(This main meal was paid for by Revolution, but the views and photos are my own)


  1. Looks really yummy! Out Revolution in Wolverhampton closed down but I used to love their pizzas!


  2. I agree with Naomi! I couldn't imagine having food in the Broad Street one in Birmingham. Maybe another reason to get up to Newcastle again soon. Yay.

  3. you got a free meal and you ate beforehand?

  4. you got a free meal and you ate beforehand?

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