
Friday, 22 August 2014

Alnwick Castle - Home of Harry Potter

Growing up with the Harry Potter books, part of my youth was spent anxiously waiting the release date of the next book, and reading in one sitting. 

When the films started, it was a great idea to take the Brownies to the cinema to see the latest installment, until the franchise just got a little too dark for them! 

This year, when planning the theme for Brownie Holiday, one of us leaders joked that we could revisit the Harry Potter theme - and so the theme for Brownie Holiday 2014 was born! 

A post will be coming soon of what exactly we got up to, but I wanted to share the delights that was Alnwick Castle and Gardens as our 'day out' of Hogwarts!

The team at Alnwick really had pulled out all the stops for us, and the girls were welcomed every step of the way by staff - costumed and uniformed alike!

The impressive scenery was just part of the fun - we had wand making, magic shows, and the best one? Broomstick flying lessons!!

Now, I'm not going to reveal the secrets of broomstick flying, it's not my place! But it was an absolute hoot, and the delightful duo training us were wonderfully patient!

We did get some awesome video of me doing some warm ups and flying and proper getting into the spirit of the day! When I get them uploaded, I'll be sure to share!

We also saw Harry Potter himself doing a magic show: 

A short walk away from the Broomstick training ground though, is the beautiful Alnwick Gardens:

While the girls ran through water installations, and got SOAKED, I may have indulged in a cup of tea and slice of lush cake - and it was just perfect. If you can, any time of the year, get to Alnwick Castle and Garden (separate fees do apply to both attraction), and you will see the jewel in the North East's tourism crown. I mean, HOGWARTS!!!

One thing I can't guarantee is the weather: 5 mins after this photo was taken, this happened:

Oh, and eat at the Treehouse, it is nomnomnom :D

Much love my lovelies, 

K x

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