
Monday, 18 August 2014

Apples, Pears and Hourglasses

When I started this blog of mine, I was working on the idea that I was hourglass, and if I wanted to flatter my shape, I would have to dress a certain way. 

Over time, and with the help of fellow bloggers, I've come to realise that all means very little!

We are people shaped. We are not defined by sex, but defined through gender. That is different story mind, to what I wanted to show you all.

Dressing for your shape. 

Hourglasses are told to emphasise their waist. Apples are told to skim their middle. Pears are told to wear embellishments on their top half, to off set their bottom heavy bottom half. 

Blah, blah, blah.


Today I'm feeling rather apple-licious:

My tartan shift dress from New Look doesn't skim, doesn't flatter, but is a ROCKING tunic. I'm loving having my legs out today (in leggings), and again, this is something that Apples are told to do a LOT - show your narrowest point. Or just wear some clothes that make you feel amazing, if the two overlap, perfect. 


A skater dress is a sure fire way to highlight my hourglass-sass.

And this Ax Paris Curve dress from Simply Be is a great example! Paired with tights and ballet pumps - it is an easy to wear option and one I resort to quite often! Some could say I rely on this too heavily, but what can I say, it's an easy to wear office staple!


Printed tunic, plain leggings and ballet pumps. I always seem to forget about my trousers, and so when I pull them out of the drawer, I always have a moment of "WHY HAVE I NOT WORN YOU ALL YEAR!"!

So, one body, 3 shapes, depending on what I'm wearing. 

You are only defined by your shape if you let yourself be defined by your shape

Much love my lovelies, 

K x