
Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Filtering Out the Mistakes

When I created this blog of mine, 370 posts ago, I didn't really have a plan - I wanted to track the outfits I was wearing and what I liked / didn't like about them, and from that small seed, this oak tree grew. 

I'm super proud of what it has helped me achieve - and it's grown and changed, just as I've grown and changed. 

I would have never thought that I would have written pieces on fat politics when I first started out. I would have never pegged that I would have been involved with a brand campaign like Simply Be Denim. 

I had expected mistakes - be it in any aspect of my life. 

And just as how social media comes with filters, so does this blog - I didn't intend to be as censored, or as selective about what I wrote about here, but I have been - and that makes me feel less genuine. 

So, I bring to you, my mistake column! 

Yup - I plan to share my mistakes with you all - to show an unfiltered view on my life. To get back to why I started this blog of mine - and hopefully some of these mistakes will turn into successes too!

I subscribe to the Birchbox beauty box, mainly because I like getting surprise presents each month! I'm no beauty blogger, and I won't ever be, but getting tester products to try out, when a lot of them are high end products I would never dream of buying otherwise, is a great sales point for me (no, this isn't a sponsored post! Stick with it!).

I've been trying a number of cleanser / toners (since this post) combinations, and the samples I've had in beauty boxes in general, have really helped me get to grips with what works. 

Before Birchbox, I  had subscibed to Glossybox - I can't remember why I cancelled or changed my subscription now, but while under their wing, I got sent a number of full sized products, including this:

Which had me at Purifying Cleanser.

And, over the past few weeks, I've been ritualistically using this to remove makeup from my face.

My routine has been working very well, and my face has been super smooth and mostly spot free (stress spots don't count!).

Until I read the 'Directions'.

I love reading these normally, I mean, as if people don't know how to shampoo their hair, or rub cleanser all over their face...


Hang on.

It's an intimate cleanser.

Which, quite frankly, is not something I believe in. We really don't need to cleanse our 'intimate' area - it's designed to clean itself!

But, this £7 of intimate cleanser has been doing quite a good job on my face. And since I've found this out, I've not stopped using it!

It serves me right for not reading the packaging, but equally I'm quite glad I don't subscribe to Glossy Box any more if they're promoting the idea that we need to cleanse our intimate area

So, mistakes happen.

Sometimes they turn into great things, sometimes they make no difference.

Much love, my mistake making lovelies,

K x

1 comment:

  1. Hahah, this made me chuckle! Also, I also wonder what the difference between a face cleanser and a cleanser for anywhere else on the body? Same as whats the difference between body moisturiser and face moisturiser (other than the packaging)?

    C x
