
Monday, 27 July 2015

StyleXL OOTD feat. Mod Cloth French Bulldog Dress

I had decided, when it was clear I was actually going to StyleXL in Birmingham, that I would shop my wardrobe. I mean, we've seen the size of it, so it's clear that amount of choice wasn't going to be an option! Until, after a cheeky eBay search revealed this dress for sale!

A photo posted by Kathryn (@misskathryn84) on

Now, the best thing about buying from eBay is the ability to ask for measurements - something you can't always get when you're shopping online. 

This dress is the 4XL, and in all fairness, the 3XL would have probably done, but I really liked having the option of a more loose fit.

I started off the day with a nice cinched waist but midway through I was belt free and loving the freedom - two dresses in one!!

A more detailed post on #StyleXL will follow - I felt my Mod Cloth dress deserved a post of it's own!! 

Much love my lovelies, 

K x

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