
Thursday, 4 June 2015

#Bloggerspearjoy - Behind the Scenes

Oooh, after the lovely Rachel released her blog yesterday with you all, I couldn't wait to be able to share the wonderful, sharing, collaborative experience it was, being involved with #bloggerspearjoy. 

We ended up functioning like a hive mind towards the end - but that might have been the hunger kicking in!!

Meeting at the perfectly situated SalonLRM at Hoults Yard at 11am, we were bright eyed and bushy tailed (well, I was anyway!) and ready to get our vintage on!

After raiding my own wardrobe for a range of vintage options, Nichola (our super stylist) and I paired together the perfect 'day' outfit, from now on known as Fat Rizzo!

While the beauts that are Rachel, Alice and Laura B were getting their hairs and makeups did, I set to work, making the strongest coffee known to man, and helping Nichola out with making sure the wardrobe was as she wanted it, and that everyone had something to wear! 

We knew my hair wouldn't take that long to do, given that the brief was "Quifftastic", so I knew I had the time to be able to help out. I can't just sit and wait - and I trusted that if I was getting in the way, or getting too involved, I would be told to bugger off!!

The awesome Emily, was super kind with me, especially after I'd said I'd never worn false lashes before! She was patient, and willing to up my brow game to this:

Taken later in the day but showing her awesome brow skills!

And so, my first look! 

As I said, we opted for Rizzo from Grease as our inspiration, the rebel!


So, shirt was Simply Be - no longer available - and the skirt was a jersey stretch tube skirt, also from Simply Be - the belt I've had forever, and the neck scarf was Laura P's! Et voila!

I can't believe that I had most of these things in my wardrobe, and had never thought I'd have the confidence to wear them together, but here we go! Big thanks to Nichola (Vera to my Reg), for putting it all together so wonderfully.

And we were set!

I was paired with the super cute Laura B to be my partner in crime - land girl to my rebel:

And were the first to go off on location, for great videoing (yes, VIDEO, but more of that to come) and photoing:

But the winner for me, was this beaut:

I'm not being over dramatic here, but we maybe got upstaged by Mr Buick!! 

A quick costume change, into my Polka Dot Polly Peacock Print dress, for more videoing and photoing, including these perfect shots:

Like what you see? Sign up here to become a Pear Pin-Up Aficionado and hear about all the latest deals for the best vintage photography experience.

Much love my lovelies, 

K x

PS - I think this is my favourite picture from the day (LEGS):


  1. You looked incredible in both outfits! Though your Rizzo from Grease outfit is my new dream outfit, can't wait to see all the photos and videos.

    1. Get the tube skirt, and tie a shirt in the middle - sorted :D xx

  2. You look amazing! I had a couple of shoots with Chiara Aprea and I'm always amazed what hair and make up can do! It looks like a really fun day too x

  3. You look amazing and I love the twirling photo you all look like you had an amazing time xx

  4. The fat Rizzo look is amazing. You look beaut. xx
