
Monday, 22 December 2014

What I Wore to Wedding of the Decade

Oh I was flapping! I was in full on panic mode come Friday morning. I don't know if I thought the other outfits I'd put together worked better, or because I was trying it on with no instant feedback (i.e. in an empty house) - but I had made my wardrobe decisions and I had to live with it.

I had planned ahead, ordering this beaut of a dress back in April from Polka Dot Polly:

The perfect print, in my eyes, for a winter wedding - and as it was made to measure, I knew I would have no issues with fit!

When the gorgeous Rockin' Rockette shared a picture of a pair of shoes in the exact same print, I messaged her to see if she could work some magic for me and here we have the most perfect handbag:

My only concern was a cover up and my shoes. I fretted and fretted over what would match it, complement it, clash with it... 

And settled with this:

And felt comfortable, dressed up, and wedding appropriate. I wasn't pulling or adjusting anything other than the bra straps which kept slipping from my shoulders - but once Them Beatles started, I was too FanGirly to care!! :D

Everything, the whole day, was perfect day, and I can't believe I was so worried over this! Not when I was reading in Durham Cathedral - no biggie!

Much love my lovelies, 

K x

1 comment:

  1. Oh my GOODNESS you look absolutely stunning. That outfit is perfection, I am majorly digging on your style <3

    Kobi x
