
Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Moving in, moving on

Eeeeeeeeeee! I can't believe this is my 200th post! How am I at this milestone already - just blumming ridiculous!

Not only that, but this weekend saw me MOVING IN! And as part of moving house, is the great PACKING panic.

It's not really been that bad in my case, as I've been able to leave a LOT of things at my Mam & Dad's, without worrying about them throwing stuff out etc. which has been a great relief!

I'm even moving my clothes across one batch at a time, which means it is rather odd just having a dozen items staring at me in a morning!

One of the benefits though is discovering things you forgot you had, or which you've fallen out of love with. One such item was this skirt from Evans circa 2008:

I love it! It's a heavy material, and the satin bands around the hem add extra weight so it hangs perfectly!

And yes, look, no awkward bathroom / hallway shot - as my bedroom has two huge full length mirrors in the build in wardrobe! 

Once I'm a little sorted, my tripod and camera will be coming with me for better photos still, but I think this is a massive improvement already!

When my bedroom is a little more 'together', I'll do a bit of a better review of my wardrobe, organisation and otherwise. 

But I'm just happy to have my bed out of storage:

Awww, just looking at that photo makes me happy!

My cosy front room is a favourite of mine at the moment though:

Because of the red carpet, I couldn't continue with my theme of teal and purple in this room, so I've gone for reds and browns in here - as much as I could on a budget!

And on Monday night, my first ever Yankee Candle got lit! My lavender addiction means it's the perfect scent to have on the go on these winter nights, watching Mad Men on DVD (no TV yet, just my free TV set and my old DVD player!)

Perfect, I'm sure you'll agree!

I'm so glad to finally be in, and settled.

Yes, there is still a TONNE of work to be done, but with 2 rooms done (living room and bedroom), my kitchen just needs painting, and then it's a paper stripping mission in the back sitting room, hallway, stairs, landing and back bedroom. 

I'll keep you updated!

Much love my lovlies,

K xx


  1. Happy New Home!!!! xx

    1. Thank you!! Still get giddy just thinking about it :) x

  2. Love your skirt! It's so 1950s! Your new place looks fabulous I bet you can't wait to get everything in and settled!


  3. That skirt is lovely. I hope you settle in nicely.


  4. I love the color theme in your front room - it really looks super cozy^^

    And I am so here for that skirt... it looks like the perfect length and I just love skirts with satin band trims! :D
